Saturday, October 26, 2013

Good People: Chapter 11: Professionally Right Literature

Chapter 11

Shaan had a hearty breakfast in the restaurant of the hotel where he put up. He had always been admirer of an American breakfast consisting of fruit juice or some fruits, eggs in the form one desired, some meat preparations, cereals, different types of breads, fried potatoes, coffee or tea. It made almost a full meal. He needed a good breakfast much more today than any other day. Kelly had indicated that the meeting could go on for a long time and might overshoot the normal lunchtime.  Breakfast over; he got ready to meet Kelly in ‘Super Soft Technologies’.

He browsed through the email correspondence he had with Kelly and looked at the directions Kelly gave him in order to reach her office.

As suggested by Kelly he chose a hotel that was just outside the campus of ‘Super Soft Technologies’. Kelly’s office was in building 4 of the company’s 130 odd buildings. By any reckoning it was a huge organization. Luckily building 4 was not too far. He decided to walk.

He looked around. He saw gardens full of different flowers.

He decided to revise his business presentation that he planned to make to Kelly during the walk.

The meeting was scheduled at 10 AM. At sharp 10, as he was about to knock the door of Kelly’s cabin, he saw the door opening and Kelly was there to receive him.

She checked by asking, “Shaan from India?”


“You seem to like punctuality.”

“And you too.”

She extended her hand and Shaan took her palm in his own. Though theirs was a brief handshake, Shaan felt genuineness in Kelly’s body language and Kelly felt the same way towards Shaan.

Without wasting any time they got down to business.

“Hope, you had a comfortable flight. Is your hotel alright?”

“I had a comfortable flight. Thanks for suggesting this hotel. It’s pretty much OK.”

“So, shoot.”

Shaan got ready to give his business presentation.

Shaan made a succinct presentation of his business proposal. He noticed that Kelly was keenly following his presentation, jotting down a few notes and making certain queries. She seemed to have got hooked up. It surely was a good sign for Shaan. He was keen on associating with this company of highest repute in the software industry.

He also decided that he wanted to associate with Kelly.

The meeting was over much ahead of what Kelly had expected. Kelly laughed and said, “You have been more efficient than I estimated. Now what do we do before we meet my boss? We will decide about your business association in a meeting with him in the afternoon at 2 o’clock. How about lunch?”

“It’s OK with me. My hotel?”

“No, let us have a quick bite in our building’s cafeteria. Your hotel will take longer. Hope you don’t mind a working lunch without any frills.”

“It’s perfectly fine.”

They walked down to cafeteria.

Lunch was an ordinary affair. The conversation circled strictly around Shaan’s business proposition. Kelly got some more clarifications on Shaan’s business setup of India. By this time it was 2 PM- the time for meeting Kelly’s boss.

To Shaan’s surprise Kelly’s boss turned out to be a man of Indian origin. Later he found out that he had come to USA some ten years ago and got US citizenship recently. A significant number of Indian professionals now worked in USA. Most of them were highly educated and they were holding fairly important positions in the organizations of repute.

Kelly introduced Shaan to Srinivasan, “Srini, this is Shaan.”

Srinivasan extended his hand for a handshake with Shaan and asked, “Can I address you as Shaan? Any prefix or suffix?”

Shaan smiled and replied, “No prefix or suffix, just Shaan.”

Then the three of them got busy exchanging the required information.

When the meeting logically came towards an end, Shrinivasan asked Kelly, “Hope we covered all the ground? Any point missing?”

“We have one more very important point. Shaan will need to open a small office here in San Jose. This project requires constant interactions and Shaan’s presence here with couple of his associates will be quite vital,” Kelly elaborated.

Srinivasan turned to Shaan, “Hope you have made financial provisions for it.”

Shaan spoke, “I had anticipated it and so I am prepared for it. I will request your assistance in getting the required visa and other related documents.”

“That will be our commitment to you,” Srinivasan accepted Shaan’s request.

Kelly emphasized, “Shaan will need to give a kick start to this project within next fortnight. In the mean time we will sign our formal business contract with his firm ‘Soft Act’.”

The meeting was dismissed.

Shaan got busy organizing his office in San Jose and in completing the necessary paper work. He was in touch with Kelly intermittently to seek her advice as well as to report the progress. He also hired a small apartment for himself and bought a second hand car.

A few weeks passed. One evening when he was not doing anything in particular, he got a call from Kelly, “Hey Shaan. Are you free this evening?”

“Yes, I am not doing anything in particular. Why?”

“You need a break. You have been working a lot last few days. Why don’t you break the monotony? Also you need some socializing. I intend introducing you to some interesting crowd this evening. OK with you?”

“OK with me. Thanks a lot Kelly for the kind thought. I was looking forward to some human contact outside of my professional work. Here is an opportunity and I wish to grab it.”

“Be ready at 6. I will pick you up then.”

Kelly took the address of Shaan’s apartment.

(Get your copy of the novel "Good People" as an eBook from Amazon  only for $ 0.99. You may also like to get its Printed Book from Amazon

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