Friday, December 20, 2013

Good People: Chapter 21: Love Triangle, Jealousy and Mystery

Chapter 21

Kelly and Shaan took stock of situation around them. They could see total devastation all around them- dead bodies, collapsed and damaged buildings, structural damages, floating cars and other vehicles. The electricity and communication systems were totally out of order. The environment around them wore a dismally grim picture.

They also heard about a dam getting burst. Trains, airplanes and roads were almost dysfunctional. 

News was floating around that a nuclear power plant was seriously affected. It resulted in several explosions. Heavy radioactive substance got released in profusion forcing evacuation of some 200,000 people living in the vicinity of the plant.

While they were exchanging these concerns some frantic activity was taking place on top of a small building some distance away from Kelly and Shaan. 

A girl at the rooftop of a small building was waving a piece of cloth. She was also shouting something that was inaudible. All around her was water, right up to the top of the building almost. 

Kelly was looking through a binocular to trace the trapped people who were in need of an immediate rescue. In her sight came this girl on the rooftop attracting the attention of someone who could rescue her.

She was at a quarter of mile’s distance. 

She directed Shaan’s attention to this girl. Shaan took the binocular from Kelly and focused it at the girl. He saw the girl was waving a handkerchief in his direction. It looked like she had seen the two rescuers and was requesting for help.

“We must save her,” Shaan spoke in a tone that suggested that he was quite at a loss to speak out coherently. 

He muttered in inaudible syllables and made some ambiguous gestures. Yet Kelly read him correctly. She understood that he wanted them to reach that building without wasting any single minute.

So Kelly already started rowing their boat towards the girl’s direction. Shaan joined her and soon started the engine. Within a few minutes they reached the building. 

With the help of the gadgets they carried, Shaan soon reached the top of the building. Kelly remained in the boat.

Then Kelly saw Shaan approaching the girl and as he neared her, she saw Shaan into a wild embrace of the girl the next moment. They remained in an embrace for a good period of time. Soon the girl was kissing Shaan all over his face. She was crying and tears rolled down her cheeks in profusion.

It was quite a scene. 

“The girl is getting hysterical, I suppose. No, I am not jealous,” Kelly assured herself.

Next five minutes remained mystery filled for Kelly. Presently they were in the boat and Shaan was making the girl sit down. 

He introduced the girl to Kelly, “Kelly, guess who she is? Can you ever imagine she is Medhavi?”

Kelly did not know how to react. She was contemplating in her head, “Why of all the people Medhavi has to make an appearance right now when I am so full of love for Shaan? I wish I had not spotted her through my binocular.”

Without waiting for Kelly’s reply Shaan asked Medhavi, “Medhavi, what the hell you were doing here? How come you got caught in the tsunami?”

Medhavi was very weak. She spoke with great efforts, “Work brought me to Japan.”

Kelly found that Medhavi’s voice was hardly audible; she looked so frail and weak. She seemed to have no energy to speak out any more.

Then suddenly Kelly felt outrageous at her own sinister thoughts about Medhavi. She reminded herself of the aims and objectives of ‘Humanity Forum’ and started the procedure that was supposed to be administered on the rescued victim. The procedure aimed at pulling out the rescued subject from the trauma and to provide the life saving medical aid immediately.

Kelly also provided the first aid, bandaged the wounds and asked Medhavi to gulp down two spoonful of brandy. Then she provided her some food. 

Shaan steered the boat and brought Medhavi to a camp where he handed her over to a team of doctors and nurses. 

He consoled Medhavi, “You are now in safe hands. We will see you soon. Be a good girl. Obey your doctors.”

Shaan and Kelly got busy with saving some more lives till finally they felt that they could not continue to work any longer. They turned back towards their camp. It was already late evening.

As Shaan was entering the camp, a gentleman who was also approaching the camp stopped him. 

He asked, “Is this the rescue camp of ‘Humanity Forum’ of America?”

Shaan answered, “Yes it is. What do you want?”

“I wanted to meet a person named Shaan. I understand he works here.”

“I am Shaan,” Shaan shook hands with the stranger.

The stranger shook hands with Shaan, “By the way my name is Samskara.” Then he continued, “I never thought it would be so easy locating you. I came here with a request to save my wife. I tried to contact her from US but all the communication systems are out of order. Then I thought of flying to this place.”

“How do you know my name?” Shaan enquired.

“My wife knows you. She had mentioned to me about your association with ‘Humanity Forum’ and from the TV announcements I learnt that your team is already here. I urge upon you to rescue my wife; she must have been stranded in this area because her apartment is located in this Sendai area.”

“Is Medhavi your wife’s name?”

“Yes. Will your team rescue her soon?”

Shaan looked at Kelly with a smile. She was listening to their conversation but preferred to keep quiet. 

Shaan introduced her to Samskara and said, “Kelly has already saved your wife’s life. She was the first to locate her on top of a marooned building through her binoculars. Had she missed her, we could have lost that particular chance of saving Medhavi.”

“Thank you very much Kelly. I am very grateful to you. Where is Medhavi? Can I go see her? Hope she is fine?”

“Yes, yes. You can meet her now. We will take you to her. But since she is in a trauma, it will be preferable not to speak with her now. Most probably you may find her already asleep. She was very tired when we rescued her.” 

When they went inside the camp where all the patients were being given medical attention by the doctors and nurses, Samskara saw Medhavi already asleep on one of the beds.” He kept looking at her with some satisfaction and then turned to Shaan and Kelly, “I have no words to thank you two.”

Kelly spoke, “No need to thank us. It was our duty to do so.” Shaan nodded.

“I think I will check-in a nearby hotel and visit you guys tomorrow morning. I can then meet Medhavi as well.”

“Yes that will be advisable,” Shaan said.

(Get your copy of the novel "Good People" as an eBook from Amazon  only for $ 0.99. You may also like to get its Printed Book from Amazon

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